This is the OFFICIAL recording
of Sheldan Nidle's free 97-minute webinar "Galactic Humans 101" on March 13, 2011. It is shown in its entirety.
This webinar was created with the intention of sharing some of our ideas and beliefs about our galactic family in space and those living among us. Also, this presentation contains a brief
overview of Sheldan Nidle and his mission, definition of terms, our galactic origins, the involvement of the Galactic Federation and the Spiritual Hierarchy in first contact, the changes on
Earth, in our chakras and DNA, and in our governments as we prepare for our global shift in consciousness.
The final chapter is a guided meditation entitled "Activating Your Light Body."
With this video, we are hoping to create a BRIDGE of understanding that can span the gap that exists between us and our friends and family. The information is transmitted on an energetic level
and as such, transcends mental constructs or commonly held beliefs about our reality.
May this video foster unity, peace, joy, and unconditional love for all living beings. We are evolving toward full consciousness. We are—whether we know it or not—becoming GALACTIC HUMANS.
von erst-kontakt @ 2013-02-22 – 23:48:25
Sheldan Nidle, Sprecher für die Galaktische Föderation und Gründer der Planetaren Aktivierungs Organisation (PAO) erklärt in diesem Webinar-Vortrag unsere Entwicklung hin zum
vollbewussten galaktischen Menschen, die Veränderungen der Erde und des Sonnensystems, die Erstkontakt-Mission der Galaktischen Föderation und den Sinn und Zweck der wöchentlichen
Updates. Sheldan Nidle bringt auch viele persönliche Details seiner Lebensgeschichte und seine Erfahrungen auf den sirianischen Mutterschiffen in den Vortrag mit ein...
Sheldan Nidle PAO Webinar: Unraveling the Updates - Die Bedeutung der Updates